- v5.0 - for 5 subjects - released 08/01/2004
v5.0 - for Kindergarten - released 08/01/2004
v5.0 - for 8 subjects - released 08/30/2004 *
- Protected worksheets
- Add/Del Column buttons to make adding room easier
- Names of subjects may be changed
- Kindergarten version uses check, plus, minus instead of
letter grades or percents
* The 8 subject gradebook is pre-setup for a christian school and has subjects like Bible, Heritage, etc... However, the subjects can be re-named to match other requirements.
- v4.2 - released 03/12/2004
- NG option for grade entries for "not yet graded"
- Notes and Header cells can wrap in the printed output to allow easier entry of longer pieces of information
- v4.1 - released 10/12/2003
- Colors, fonts, etc... in notes on the Notes page are maintained when placed on the working sheet
- "Print Empty Subjects" setting to turn off the printing of subjects where there are not any grades
- v4.0 - released 8/10/2003